Rallying for Trump: A Call to Action for Broward Republicans

Date: September 19, 2024

Fellow Republicans,

The spirit of unity, action, and dedication is what defines our Republican values, especially in these pivotal times where our support for President Trump is not just a choice but a statement of our commitment to the conservative ideals he represents. This Saturday at 10:00 AM, we’re gathering at 1655 East Oakland Park Boulevard, Oakland Park FL 33334, not just for a meeting but to transform our new Broward Victory Office into a beacon of our movement.

Why Now?

Our community, our state, and indeed, our nation, need us to be more than just passive supporters. They need us to be the backbone of the Republican party. This office, when fully operational, will be our front line in the battle for hearts and minds. It’s where our grassroots efforts will sprout into action, influencing not just local but national politics.

What We Need:

  • Office Staff: Help with organizing, data entry, and managing the day-to-day operations of our campaign office.
  • Telephones: Engage with voters, volunteers, and donors, spreading our message of conservative values and Trump’s vision.
  • Sign Assemblers: Prepare and distribute campaign signs that will dot our neighborhoods, reminding everyone of our strong support.
  • Yard Workers: Spruce up the office grounds, making it not just functional but a symbol of our pride and dedication.
  • Door Knockers: Directly connect with our community, discussing policies, listening to concerns, and rallying support for our cause.
  • Cheerleaders: Every movement needs its spirit leaders. Your enthusiasm and energy will keep our team motivated.

How You Can Contribute:

Whether you’re skilled in one area or eager to learn and help in any capacity, your presence is invaluable. If you can, drop an email to johnhume@comcast.net to let us know you’re coming. If not, your direct appearance on Saturday is all the commitment we need.

The Call to Action:

“Be there or be a would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.” This isn’t just a rallying cry; it’s a reminder of the urgency of our mission. Every hand on deck makes a difference. Every voice adds to our chorus. This isn’t about what could have been done if only we had the time or the inclination. This is about what we will do because we understand the stakes.

Our movement, led by President Trump, isn’t just about winning elections; it’s about redefining what America stands for in the 21st century. It’s about ensuring that conservative values—freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government—are not just preserved but thrive.

Join us this Saturday. Let’s turn the Broward Victory Office into a fortress of conservative action. Let’s show not just Broward, not just Florida, but the entire nation, what committed Republicans look like in action.

Together, for Trump, for America.


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