Florida Christian Family Coalition’s Pro-Family Bills Approved in 2023-2024

Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels.com

In recent legislative sessions, the Florida Christian Family Coalition (CFC) has been instrumental in advocating for and seeing the passage of several pro-family bills. These bills, supported by the CFC, reflect the organization’s commitment to strengthening family values and protecting the rights of Florida families.

One of the key legislative victories for the CFC in 2023 was the passage of HB 931, which allows school districts to authorize volunteer chaplains to provide support, services, and programs to students in public schools. This bill, which received final committee approval in the Senate, aims to address children’s mental health issues by adding another tool to help schools. While the bill has faced criticism from some quarters, supporters argue that it will provide much-needed spiritual support to students in need.

In 2024, the CFC was successful in pushing for the passage of HB 545, which alters current measures on sex education. The bill strengthens parental notification requirements by requiring school districts to inform parents of the curriculum and materials on the district’s website homepage. This legislation gives parents more control over their children’s education and ensures that they are aware of the content being taught in sex education classes.

The CFC’s efforts have also focused on protecting the rights of unborn children. A bill that would allow parents to file civil lawsuits seeking damages for the wrongful death of an “unborn child” was approved by the House Civil Justice Subcommittee. This bill, supported by the CFC, would add “unborn child” to a law that allows family members to seek damages for wrongful acts or negligence, putting Florida on a path of recognizing the fundamental personhood of the unborn child.

The CFC’s advocacy for pro-family legislation has been a key part of its mission to empower families at the grassroots level and give them a voice in their government. Through its efforts, the CFC has helped to pass bills that protect children, strengthen families, and promote the values that are important to Florida’s Christian community.

As the CFC continues its work, it remains committed to fighting for the rights of Florida families and ensuring that their voices are heard in the halls of government. With each legislative victory, the CFC takes a step closer to achieving its goal of a strong, family-oriented Florida. Thank you to member Celeste Ellich for keeping us dialed in to these important issues and victories in Tallahassee! Thanks Celeste!