Rules for Thursday Night Debate & Presidential Watch Party

american flags and pins on white background
Photo by cottonbro studio on


7:00pm  at Stinger’s

MEMBERS:  Please get to the venue by 6:30 as we have to start the pizza service and have the candidates primed for a 7:00 pm start.

The rules for the candidates will be laid out below.  For your part, please think of some questions for the candidates prior to attending.

When you are recognized, please state your question in the briefest possible way.  Do NOT deliver an oration.  We have limited time, and we want the candidates to show you who they really are when it comes to knowledge of the position.

One question at a time, and we will get back to you for follow ups if time allows.

Do NOT be combative with the candidates.  I have heard that this has occurred elsewhere, but it is not happening at EBRC.

You can ask a question of a specific candiate or of the group.  At the beginning, please try to be inclusive. You can drill down closer to the second half.


Arrive no later than 6:30.  We start at 7:00.  We will draw lots for position.

Since we are a small venue, please only bring a plus one with you.

Each of you will have 5 minutes uninterrupted to give your platform speech. Try to make the most of it and keep the knocks against the opponents to a minimum.

After each candidate has had their time,  we will be accepting questions from the audience. They may ask questions of the panel or of individual candidates.

During this section, you will get 1-2 minutes to give your answers so, please, be succinct.

We hope to be able to give everyone a clear picture of the candidates and what their views of the office will be.


We will be livestreaming the debate on X.  If you want to inform your supporters to tune in, we hope to be starting at 6:50 and will run through the event.

The id for the livestream with be

If we can enable comments from the online audience, we may take a question from there.

NOTE:  there is supposed to be at least one member of the mainstream media present so let us all behave with decorum so we don’t end up in the comic section of the Sun Sentinel.

Thank you and see you Thursday.

Frank Bell, President 

East Broward Republican Club