Soaring Skies and Unforgotten Memories: A Tribute to Honor Flight South Florida

man standing on stage facing an american flag
Photo by Brett Sayles on

Thank you to Harry Weinmann for speaking about Honor Flight at our May Meeting. If you are new to the club or missed the meeting here is some information about South Florida Honor Flight. Today, we embark on a journey through the skies with Honor Flight South Florida, an organization dedicated to honoring our nation’s heroes. As we soar above the clouds, we’ll explore the incredible work this organization does to ensure our veterans receive the recognition and gratitude they so richly deserve.

Founded in 2005, Honor Flight South Florida has a simple yet profound mission: to fly South Florida veterans to Washington, D.C., to visit their memorials at no cost to them. This all-volunteer organization is committed to honoring veterans from Broward, Dade, and Monroe counties, with a special emphasis on those who served during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

Imagine the scene: a chartered airliner, filled with veterans, each with their own unique story of bravery and sacrifice. As the plane ascends, the veterans are surrounded by volunteers and guardians, all eager to ensure their journey is comfortable and memorable. The flight itself is a testament to the dedication of the volunteers, who pay their own way to ensure every penny donated goes directly to the veterans.

Upon arrival in Washington, D.C., the veterans are greeted with a police escort and a day of honor and remembrance. They visit the memorials dedicated to their service, reflecting on the sacrifices they and their comrades made for our country. The experience is often described as one of the most meaningful days in their lives, second only to their wedding day and the births of their children and grandchildren.

The impact of Honor Flight South Florida extends far beyond the one-day journey. It’s a reminder that our veterans are not forgotten, that their service and sacrifice are appreciated and cherished. It’s a chance for them to connect with fellow veterans, to share stories, and to find solace in the camaraderie of those who understand their experiences.

As we conclude our journey, let us remember the words of President John F. Kennedy: “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Honor Flight South Florida lives by these words, ensuring that our veterans are shown the highest regard and respect, both in life and in memory.

To the volunteers, guardians, and donors who make Honor Flight South Florida possible, we salute you. Your dedication and commitment to our veterans is a shining example of the best of humanity. And to our veterans, we say thank you. Your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. If you would like to volunteer or donate to Honor Flight South Florida send us an email and we will be happy to have someone contact you.

So, as we return to the ground, let us carry with us the spirit of Honor Flight South Florida, soaring high above the clouds, a beacon of gratitude and remembrance for our nation’s heroes.

Remember, every veteran’s story is a chapter in our nation’s history. Let’s ensure that each chapter is honored and remembered.